Communion: A Time to Stop

light breaking throughFliss’ comment about receiving Communion, her description of “my time” (posted on ‘Circle of Communion‘) reminded me of how much the women I interviewed spoke about peace and Communion as a point where they could pause in life.

“I think it always brings me to a stop” – the word ‘stop’ was surprisingly common.

Coming to a ‘stop’ at the time of Communion was described as a powerful experience, especially for those who felt very busy and pressured in lots of different ways:

“When you come to actually take Communion, I think it’s really peaceful and chilled and stopped  … a moment of stillness

The peace experienced through receiving Communion was described as having a transcendent quality – a sense of being in the world and yet changed by the ‘otherworldliness’ found in the presence of God.

The peace experienced in that moment of “my time” had the potential both to transform how the rest of life was experienced as the peace flowed onwards from that moment, and also to be transformational for the women’s sense of self, “it’s like an inner response … feeling transformed … that I’m ok and that I’m accepted.”

From my own experience (trying to negotiate getting small children up to Communion without any mishaps to them, others, or the Communion!) I know it is not always such a peaceful or calm moment for everyone. But that need not make it any less significant.

What is significant for you about receiving Communion, about that ‘moment in time’?

Is it important in itself? or is it significant because it is a part of something bigger?

Do share your thoughts in the box below. Thanks 🙂



One thought on “Communion: A Time to Stop

  1. “Do this in remembrance of me”. What a poignant choice of words. I myself can’t even explain in earthly words taking the Holy Communion means. I’m in His Presence. No one can take that away from me.


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